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Medicare provider claims address Form: What You Should Know

Medicare — Who should I file a claim with? — Health Care Programs (HCP) The person you have to file the claim with is usually the service provider, although some Hips and private insurers are also required to submit the claim. Medicare — Request for Review You can submit a request for review from an independent dispute resolution agency in any province. To find the person to use with an independent dispute resolution agency, you must first contact the provincial or territorial health authority where the medical services are performed. This is usually referred to as the service provider. Once you have contacted the service provider, follow up with them. The person to use is usually the service provider. You will be asked to submit proof of service. This can be a report from the independent dispute resolution agency or any other documents like the patient's receipt, insurance card or physician's authorization. The document should contain the date and time of service at least one year after discharge. You can fill in Form 1542 or Form 4568 for the independent dispute resolution agency you use. To find the individual you will be asked to contact with review requests or dispute requests, check the Contact Us section of this website, or call the individual and ask them to contact the nearest provincial/territorial health authority with questions for the individual you're requesting the review with. Asking the individual you're requesting the review from to contact the nearest provincial/territorial health authority with questions can often lead to a lengthy resolution. Medicare — How and when to send in your proof of payment? — Health Care Programs (HCP) You should submit your proof of payment within one year of the date of service you're claiming for, and should also keep a copy of the proof of payment for 30 days after submission. A copy of the proof of payment should show the name of the service provider, the country or region in which the service provider performed the service, and the date of service. Examples of proof of payment include: Insurance cards issued by the service provider. Medical records. A copy of the bill or invoice showing the date, amount, and payment method. A statement from your insurance provider, confirming the payment is valid and that you are currently covered for services of the type that you're claiming. When submitting your proof of payment, you can also include copies of any receipts and letters.

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